+ Google Shopping

+ Google Shopping

How Google Shopping works 

The information provided is from Google Help and not written by the tagged author.

Consumer information

When you use Google Shopping, you’re browsing products from advertisers and sellers who have chosen to feature their products on Google Shopping.

Unless otherwise indicated, offers on Google Shopping are ranked based on relevance, including your search terms and other Google activity.  Some ads data is used to improve the quality of results.

Offers that have the “Sponsored” label means that advertiser payment to Google may also influence how items are ranked and grouped. Google is compensated for clicks on these ads.

For Buy on Google offers that appear on Google Shopping, Google receives a commission for each purchase.

To customize your Google Shopping results, you can sort or filter by things like price, product category, and brand.

You can view your activity from your Google Account by going to My Activity and visit Google's Consumer Ads Help Center to learn more. To block specific advertisers, opt out of personalized ads or confirm your opt-out status, visit Google's Ads SettingsLearn more about how users can control the information used to personalize their experience.

The products displayed on Google Shopping search results may not include all available products.

Product information

Sellers and advertisers who feature their products on Google Shopping are participating in commercial activity. They must comply with Google Shopping policies that spell out what can and cannot be listed on Google Shopping.

Google Shopping will remove items that don’t comply with these policies and may suspend a seller who violates these policies.

Advertisers provide details about their products and update their listings on a regular basis. After an advertiser updates a listing, there may be a slight delay before the new information shows up on their listing on Google Shopping.


To help you research products, we gather reviews through the Google Customer Reviews program. These reviews are completely voluntary and we don’t compensate reviewers for submitting their opinions.

We also gather reviews from advertisers, sellers, and third-party review providers. They are required to provide all reviews (both positive and negative) and they may have compensated reviewers for giving their opinions.

An automated system processes these reviews before they show up on Google Shopping to remove spammy or inappropriate language. Spammy content includes reviews with the same content posted multiple times or from multiple accounts.

After a review is published, it can’t be modified or updated and we aren’t able to contact reviewers or ask reviewers to update what they wrote. However, we may take down reviews that are flagged to us, in order to comply with legal obligations. A review can appear on Google Shopping for as long as the reviewed item is advertised on Google.

Reviews may be sorted in a number of different ways, including chronologically.

Making a purchase

When you find something you’re interested in on Google Shopping, you’ll see the item price and applicable taxes. With the exception of Buy on Google offers, you can click on the product to go to the seller’s site and purchase it.

Shipping costs can vary depending on destination, shipping method, and seller so it’s a good idea to check the final price on the seller’s website. On the seller’s site, you’ll also find information about any applicable insurance or warranties.

Each seller is responsible for their own customer support. If you have any issues with your purchase, please contact the seller directly.

Notice to purchasers regarding Connecticut sales and use tax
Conn. Gen. Stat. § 12-408f(b)(1) Notice: Connecticut tax may be due on purchases delivered to persons in the state. Connecticut requires purchasers to file a use tax return if sales tax due was not collected by the retailer. Visit this link for additional information.

About Google Shopping

Google Shopping is:

  • Powerful: Google Shopping applies Google's search technology to help you find and research products from online stores across the web and then points you directly to where you can buy them.
  • Comprehensive: Find everything from common to unusual products.
  • Fast: Almost instantly after entering a search, you'll see photos of relevant products and links to more information, including the stores that sell them.